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Janetandmolly.jpg Janet McGee ... 6 Posts

I recently had occasion to contact PayPal to update and reconcile my PayPal account which hadn't been done in almost 15 years.  Hard to believe they've been around that long!  The process was not as spelled out and/or as intuitive per the site's instructions as it might have been.  So the first time I tried to get the job done myself I had to exit the process in frustration.  I have to say, when I had a minute, I called at 8 p.m. one nite and the young representative was super helpful and patient.  It took us 2 hours!  But she stuck with it, was super calm the whole way, and we ended on a successful note.  I was well pleased and impressed at the level of customer care this young woman displayed.  And it all got done and tied up with a bow.

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